Champagne and diamonds give off an unmissable feeling of luxury and prestige. But, what if we tell you that there are diamonds that are called Champagne Diamonds? Well, today we’re going to tell you all about champagne diamonds and everything you need to know about them.
These amazing-looking diamonds have been starting to gain in popularity over the last couple of years, and we decided to follow up on the trend, so that’s why we’re here!
Sometimes people have aversions toward these diamonds, and that’s another thing that motivated us to tell you all about these diamonds – to once and for all answer all the questions that may keep you from buying one.
Now that you know what to expect, let’s dive deep into a sea of information related to champagne diamonds, and let’s see what we have in store for you!

What Are Champagne Diamonds?
Before we get any further and get lost in the deep colors of champagne diamonds along with the luxury that comes with them, let’s take a look at what champagne diamonds really are:
A champagne diamond is a brown diamond with a prominent golden hue that is naturally brown. They come in a variety of colors, from light brown to darker tints that resemble champagne.
These diamonds are often considered yellow, but they aren’t. Yellow diamonds are often paler in comparison to champagne diamonds and have a tendency to have a sharper look when it comes to their color.
Diamonds such as the champagne diamonds, on the other hand, have a deeper color that’s not as sharp as a yellow diamond would be but have a more well-rounded color overall. These diamonds, like the rest of the colored diamonds, don’t have a specific characteristic (besides their color) that might separate them from the rest of the diamond family.
Chemical properties and atomic structures are exactly the same for all of the colored diamonds when compared to regular diamonds, so don’t expect them to levitate or have other supernatural powers!
One thing that does set them apart from the rest of the colored diamonds is the way that they get their distinct and easily recognizable color.
The hue of these diamonds comes from remnants of nitrogen in the crystal structure. Small amounts of nitrogen are trapped during the diamond creation process in Champagne diamonds. The brown color becomes more intense as the nitrogen level rises, which means that we know where the color of these amazing diamonds comes from, unlike green diamonds, for example.
Also, some people consider these diamonds just a variation of brown diamonds, which is technically true, but champagne diamonds have a different name and aren’t called “brown diamonds” like the rest of them for a reason.
Learn More: Natural Fancy Colored Diamonds: Everything You Need to Know

Where Do Champagne Diamonds Come From & Why Are They Called That?
Now, let’s talk about the name these diamonds have and why they’re not called “brown diamonds” like the rest of the diamonds that have a similar color to them. In addition to that, we’re going to take a look at where these diamonds come from and can people even excavate them on purpose or are they found accidentally like green diamonds.
But first, let’s take a look at their name. These diamonds irresistibly look like they have been colored by champagne, and no matter how deep their color is, they look like they’ve been bathed in champagne. This color is quite distinct and is a mix of yellow and brown which results in a specific shine that can’t be classified as either of the previously mentioned colors.
It’s not the same principle as with green diamonds or red diamonds, champagne diamonds are a special category and can’t be looked at as a subcategory. A great example of this is the canary diamonds, which are just a variation of yellow diamonds but with certain characteristics that separate them from the rest of the yellow diamonds.
Champagne diamonds can’t be looked at the same way as canary diamonds since there is a big difference between yellow, brown, and champagne diamonds. Color grade plays a huge role here since it determines whether a diamond is a brown diamond, a yellow one, or a champagne diamond that we’re currently interested in.
Also, there are special champagne diamonds that have the deepest colors of all the rest of champagne diamonds, and they’re called cognac diamonds. Let’s take a look at the color grades that champagne diamonds can have.
- Light Champagne: C1-C2
- Medium Champagne: C3-C4
- Dark Champagne: C5-C6
- Cognac: C7
You may notice that cognac diamonds have the best and deepest color grade out of all of these, making them the closest in color to brown diamonds.
But, they are still regarded as champagne diamonds and not brown diamonds. This only goes to show you how independent these diamonds are and how hard it is to classify them as anything other than what they really are.
Where Do Champagne Diamonds Come From?
Now, let’s take a look at the origin of these diamonds and can they be “target excavated” or are they excavated by accident like the rest of very rare-colored diamonds. These amazing-looking diamonds are formed in mines located all over the world.
Champagne diamonds come from Siberia, Australia, and Africa, among other places. Western Australia is home to the world’s largest diamond mine, from which a big majority of colored diamonds are mined. Champagne diamonds are made up of crystal traces and nitrogen, so a mine that contains them needs to have higher levels of nitrogen present.
In addition to these countries, some South American countries have reported they have found a couple of these diamonds in their mines, but the amount is so insignificant that there’s not a statistical trace of it.
Contrary to popular belief, these diamonds aren’t as rare as other colored diamonds, especially when compared to some of the rarest colored diamonds in the world such as red or green diamonds.
Russia is the biggest country by territory, and it holds a large number of diamond mines meaning that this country is a key player in the diamond market. Siberia is known for its vast collection of diamond mines, and a big percentage of Russian diamonds are from there.
This implies that a big chunk of champagne diamonds that come from Russia are actually from a part of Russia called Siberia.
As far as the rest of the world that’s known for champagne diamonds goes, Africa is a well-known continent in the diamond world since it’s the richest continent when it comes to natural diamond reserves.
But Australia is a big surprise on this list. This country (and continent) aren’t often mentioned when it comes to a topic that is closely related to diamonds.
So, if you’re interested in buying champagne diamonds, and you happen to be in Australia – you should start by looking for your desired diamonds in local jewelry shops or diamond dealerships!

Champagne Diamonds – Price
We have previously mentioned that champagne diamonds are rare, but not as rare as some other colored diamonds. This, of course, affects the price as well, meaning these diamonds aren’t as expensive as some other rare diamonds such as green diamonds (especially the vivid green ones).
Nevertheless, let’s take a look at how much you’re looking to spend on one of these stunning-looking champagne or cognac diamonds:
A high-quality 1-carat champagne diamond would cost about $2,000-$3,000 compared to a good quality 1-carat round G, SI1 graded diamond can cost between $4,000 and $5,000. The interesting thing is that the gap just grows bigger as the carat weight goes up.
These prices are quite low when compared to prices of 1-carat green diamonds that can go for several hundred thousand dollars, depending on their cut, clarity, and vividness of the color.
But, there are many factors that need to be taken into consideration when talking about the price of champagne diamonds (as well as other diamonds) such as clarity level, color grade, cut, potential imperfections, and other less relevant factors.
Color Grade
As we previously mentioned, the color grade is quite important when it comes to champagne diamonds, and that cognac diamonds, as a subcategory of champagne diamonds, that are the deepest in color have a special name and a special price tag that goes with them.
Light, medium, and dark champagne diamonds have a closer price pool than compared to cognac diamonds.
- Light champagne diamonds are the cheapest and they go for around $2,000 in general while medium color-graded champagne diamonds are closer to between $3,000 and $4,000.
- Dark champagne diamonds go for over $5,000 dollars and are the most expensive champagne diamonds, excluding cognac diamonds.
- Cognac diamonds are a different story, but they’re not as far as you’d think from the rest of the champagne diamond subfamily. They can go for almost $10,000 under certain circumstances, but you will most likely see them going for around $7,000 to $8,000 in regular jewelry stores or diamond dealerships.
A sign of prestige is what makes a difference between dark-colored champagne diamonds and cognac diamonds since cognac diamonds are advertised as the top of the pyramid when it comes to champagne diamonds.
Clarity Level
Clarity level plays a big role when it comes to determining a price for any diamond, including a champagne one. It’s clear that the higher the clarity grade level is, the more expensive a diamond will be. This is a general rule that applies to champagne diamonds as well.
But, before we get into that, it’s important to note that despite some colored diamonds being that rare that the clarity level is neglected in the process of determining the price for a diamond, this is not the case with champagne or even cognac diamonds.
Clarity levels play a huge role, especially when we’re talking about champagne diamonds. This is due to the nature and origins of their color and the nitrogen that is required for a diamond to become distinct in color and designated as a champagne diamond.
Nitrogen can cause some imperfections in the diamond in question making it a lower clarity grade such as SI1 or SI2 which brings down the price a lot, especially compared to a champagne or a cognac diamond that has a FL clarity grade.
FL stands for flawless and it means that the diamond with this grade doesn’t have any imperfections in it making it the most desirable diamond in the bunch. A champagne diamond that is graded FL for clarity can cost up to 20% more than a diamond that’s graded with even a VS or a VVS clarity grade, just in the name of perfection.
See Also: Diamond Price List: How Much Is A 0.1 To 40 Carat Diamond Worth?

Best Jewelry Type & Setting For Champagne Diamonds
Champagne diamonds are extremely formal-looking and aren’t worn under everyday circumstances like regular diamonds are.
Taking that into consideration, we are going to take a look at some of the best jewelry types and settings for these diamonds, and how you can make them look more formal or less formal, depending on where and when you’re planning on wearing champagne or cognac diamonds.
Best Jewelry For Champagne Diamonds
The first order of business is the jewelry that’s the best choice when it comes to champagne diamonds. You should understand that certain colored diamonds go well with different jewelry since different pieces of jewelry have different light exposures, settings, and uses.
This all means that some pieces of jewelry aren’t that good when it comes to certain diamonds, including champagne diamonds.
One thing that you should keep in mind is that a big chunk of champagne diamonds you run into will be paler in color meaning they won’t need as much light, but – these preferences apply to them as well. Let’s take a look at the list of the jewelry that we recommend, starting with the best one:
- Rings
- Necklaces
- Earrings
Now, let’s take a look at all three of these pieces of jewelry and see why we recommend them to you.
Rings are undoubtedly the most loved and the most popular piece of jewelry out there. Engagement rings are largely responsible for this fact, but we’re going to talk about them separately.
Regular rings are often made with much more detail and look more casual. This is an amazing way to let yourself be more casual and look more easy-going all while wearing a champagne diamond that’s considered formal.
With some smaller stones around the main champagne diamond, a ring can look as amazing as it can be, and be versatile enough so you don’t keep it in a safe just to wear it twice or three times a year.
Engagement rings, on the other hand, are a different story. They do look a bit more minimalistic while keeping the elegant look that’s distinct to them.
Also, these rings often have just one stone, and that one stone is the centerpiece of the whole ring. This means that champagne diamonds should be in a nice setting, when talking about engagement rings, that allows them to take all the “fame & glory”.
This piece of jewelry is really made for nice weather and a lot of sun. That’s why champagne diamonds, especially the ones that are deeper in color, look amazing on necklaces and especially if there’s enough sunlight so that the diamond can shine as much as it can.
Another thing is that necklaces do need a diamond that’s a bit larger in mass since they use a lot more precious metals to be made, so that requires a bigger stone – and remember that champagne diamonds can be much more cost-efficient than some other colored diamonds.
One thing is for sure when it comes to the downsides of necklaces that hold such a nice diamond, and that is that it’s not quite visible if covered with clothes.
Related Read: How Much Does A Real Diamond Necklace Cost?
Earrings are another phenomenal way of accentuating your champagne diamonds, or even cognac diamonds if you decide to go with them.
It’s an amazing way to let your champagne diamonds have as much sunlight as possible while also keeping them minimalistic-looking and elegant. Also, there are earrings that you can casually wear on a daily basis, so don’t worry – you’ll have plenty of choices to choose from!
Similar to necklaces, earrings also need to be uncovered while worn in order to look their best. Only this time, we’re talking about hair. If you’re willing to wear a hairstyle that uncovers the diamonds and lets them shine as bright as they can!
Related Read: Diamond Earring Setting Types: Options To Consider
Best Settings For Champagne Diamonds
Settings are the second most important thing when it comes to diamonds, especially diamonds that have a specific color.
These diamonds are known for needing a lot of light to show their true colors and intensity. That’s why settings that cover the majority of the diamond with precious metals don’t work well with certain diamonds.
Those diamonds also include champagne and cognac diamonds, so that’s why we need to talk about a few settings that we recommend in order to let your diamond show their best colors
Prong Setting
The prong setting is always the safest and the best looking for colored diamonds. Four to six prongs are quite enough to hold your diamond in place while allowing a lot of light through the walls and the crown of the diamond to penetrate and give the diamond the sparkle that we all know and love.
The only problem with the prong setting is that it’s unofficially reserved for engagement rings. This is due to the heavy use of this setting in engagement rings, and its minimalistic principle really looks like it belongs on an engagement ring.
If you’re fine with that, or if you’re actually on the market for an engagement ring, this is awesome news! Otherwise, check out our other pick down below.
Tension Setting
The tension setting is one of the more controversial settings out there. But, if done properly, all the controversy disappears.
All there is to it is the fact that the tension setting allows for the diamond to lay flush against two ends of a ring that’s not connected, while held in place by tension and special glue so it won’t fall out. If you buy your ring in a jewelry store that’s worth their salt, you’ll get a tension setting ring that is both safe and looks amazing.
One more thing – there is a similar problem with this setting with regards to it being reserved for an engagement ring.
Pave Setting
Pave setting is probably the best when it comes to champagne diamonds. Champagne diamonds are easily recognizable regardless of their color grade and intensity.
If you put a champagne diamond or even better, a cognac diamond in a center of a pave setting, you’ll find yourself looking at an amazing ring.
This setting is not often used for engagement rings, so your ring won’t be mistaken for one, and you’ll have an opportunity to wear a pave setting ring whenever you’d like wherever you’d like.

Best Cuts For Champagne Diamonds
Cuts are our next order of business. Diamonds that are colorful and that need a lot of light to show off their beauty, need to be cut in a specific fashion that allows as much light as possible to enter through the crown of the diamond and, if possible, the sides of the diamond.
Here are our top three recommendations for cuts when it comes to champagne diamonds:
- Cushion cut
- Radiant cut
- Oval cut
All three of these cuts may seem similar to each other, but trust us – there’s a crucial difference. Now, let’s take a look at all three of these individually, and see why they’re recommended for champagne diamonds.
The Cushion Cut
The cushion cut is arguably the most popular one when it comes to champagne diamonds. It allows for plenty of light to enter the diamond while leaving a big enough surface for light to do so. It also breaks the light in a lot of amazing ways allowing for some unrepeatable sparkles.
This cut has 58 facets, and is friendly towards diamonds with imperfections and lower graded diamonds when it comes to clarity.
The Radiant Cut
The radiant cut is quite similar to the cushion cut, but there are some differences. First of all, the radiant cut has different corners which make the diamond less susceptible to chipping if it fell out of the piece of jewelry that was housing them.
Radiant cut has 70 facets and is considered one of the most beautiful cuts out there. It’s perfect for necklaces, so you’re not limited to thinking only about rings!
The Oval Cut
The oval cut is the most simple out of all three cuts we mentioned in this article, but simplicity is sometimes what you should go for. The oval cut allows for a lot of light to penetrate the crown of the diamond while enabling the diamond to sparkle in a phenomenal fashion.
The oval cut has 58 facets, just like the cushion cut, but that doesn’t make them indistinguishable. This cut is much more round, and it doesn’t have any square-like features.
Regardless of what you chose to go with when it comes to cuts and champagne diamonds, just remember that a lot of light is the key and that a good cut needs to have a nice synergy with a setting you’ve gone for.

Most Famous Champagne Diamonds Around The World
Since these diamonds are so popular, there have been a few champagne and cognac diamonds that have gained some popularity over the years. Here, we’re going to take a look at two of the most famous champagne or cognac diamonds that are known around the world, and we’re going to tell you some interesting facts about them!
Here are the names of the two most famous champagne diamonds:
- Golden Pelican
- Golden Jubilee
Golden Pelican
The Golden Pelican is one of the most recognizable champagne diamonds. This 69.93-carat champagne-colored diamond with an emerald cut is a classic. The diamond is set on a 14-karat gold band that once belonged to Palenzuela von Habsburg and was mined in South Africa.
The Golden Pelican stone was once used as collateral in a bank transaction that resulted in the release of Jews fleeing Cuba’s horrific persecution. It was then auctioned at Christie’s and brought in a stunning $3 million.
Golden Jubilee
The Golden Jubilee is another well-known champagne diamond. This champagne-colored diamond, which weighs 545.67 carats, has been dubbed the world’s largest faceted diamond. It was carved from a 755-carat stone unearthed in South Africa’s Premier mine in 1985.
The diamond was given to King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand on the 50th anniversary of his coronation, which is how it earned its name. The diamond’s value is believed to be between $5 million and $12 million.

These diamonds sure do provide their wearer and owner with a lot. They are unique, good-looking, affordable, and elegant. Champagne diamonds are some of the best-looking colored diamonds out there, regardless of the fact that they are more common than some other colored diamonds such as pink or red diamonds.
Here we presented you with everything you need to know about these diamonds, from their fame to the best cut, setting, and piece of jewelry while informing you about how much you’re looking to spend if you’re in the market for one of them.
We hope that you learned something new and that we piqued your interest in these precious and breathtaking gemstones!