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I Color Diamonds: Should You Buy an I Color Diamond?

When you decide to buy a diamond, you will come across a term that should capture your mind and that requires you to pay a little more attention to better understand it. The term and the topic for you is “I color diamond”. Here’s what it’s all about: 

There’s a diamond grading scale according to the color, or better, a scale that shows how much yellowness there is in the diamond.

Different grades on that scale represent diamonds that have no yellowness, are completely colorless, are clean, and noticeably yellow. I color diamond” is in the class of nearly collorless.

The scale on which the yellowness is graded – this may sound strange, maybe even worrying, but it shouldn’t be. Yellowness is just another feature that will be discussed later in this article. Below is everything you need to know about I color diamonds!

What Exactly Is I Color Diamond?

I color diamond is one of the standards for evaluating the color of a diamond. Each color on that scale is denoted by a letter, ranging from D to Z, and the color range is from colorless to yellow diamond

Of course, this does not mean that we should immediately give up every diamond from that scale except the perfectly colorless one, but also it does not mean accepting one whose yellowness is too visible and bothersome.

I color diamond belongs to the “near colorless” range of the color scale. What does that mean? It means that when we look at I color diamond with the naked eye it looks colorless, but when we look at it through a magnifying glass, it would give off some yellow reflections. Regardless of that reflection and amount of yellow, the I color diamond is also a very good color on this scale, because under the naked eye, it is colorless!

Due to its position on the scale, the I color diamond is considered a very good combination of price and quality. This color is often chosen for jewelry, engagement rings because the yellow is almost invisible (combined with the crown of the ring), and is cheaper than a fully colorless one. 

Standards For Grading Diamond Color

If the scale we mention does seem abstract to you, the following is the overview and all the grades on it. As you can see in the picture, the diamond color chart is divided like this:

  • Colorless diamonds range from D to F. 
  • Near colorless diamonds range from G to J.
  • Faint diamonds range from K to M.
  • Very light yellow diamonds range from N to R.
  • Lightly colored diamonds range from S to Z.
  • Fancy colored diamonds – the ones that have strong color.

Colorless ( D to F ) – are considered the highest color ratings. Diamond in color D is completely colorless and not so easy to find, therefore very expensive. Such diamonds, without any color, are also called icy-white diamonds.

Near colorless range ( G to J ) – is the part of the scale where I colored diamond belongs. We have already mentioned that this is a category of diamonds whose yellow reflections can only be seen under a magnifying glass and not with the naked eye.

Faint range ( K to M ) – in this category, we can notice a glare of yellow even with the naked eye. Many people think that the K color diamond can look beautiful in combination with yellow gold.

Very light yellow range ( N to R ) – in this category, diamonds have a very visible hint of yellow inside of them. 

Lightly colored range ( S to Z ) – this is a range for diamonds that have a hint of brown. 

Fancy colored range – these diamonds have a strong color, and they are getting more and more popular. 

Related Read: What Are The Most Popular Diamond Colors And Clarities?

The Price Difference 

You have seen that the difference between colorless and near-colorless diamonds is almost invisible to the naked eye, but the price difference is more than visible, even surprisingly high!

So, below you will see that it is true that the I color diamond provides multiple benefits:

  • No traces of yellow can be seen with the naked eye 
  • It is highly rated in terms of yellowness 
  • Its price is much lower 

Here are concrete examples: Three near colorless diamonds that vary imperceptibly in color are priced: $4,540, $4,800, and $4,890. Three colorless diamonds are valued at prices: $10,050, $10,080, $10,100. So, colorless diamonds are twice as expensive, but the difference in appearance will be very difficult to notice. 

Learn More: Price List: How Much Is A 0.1 To 40 Carat Diamond Worth?

Should You Buy an I Color Diamond? Shopping Tips 

We mentioned the price difference between near colored, I color, and colorless diamonds. This difference is certainly a big ‘Yes’ for I color diamond purchase decision. Here are some more tips for diamond shopping that can be important to you: 

When buying, you should not bother with the fact that your diamond has a near colorless mark. So far we have seen that even a diamond expert would find it difficult to see the difference between an I color and colorless diamond.

  1. If you have already decided on the I color diamond and see that the yellow is invisible to the naked eye, pay attention to whether the diamond is eye-clean! If you are not sure what this phrase means, read more here
  2. Pay attention to the cut grade – this feature, combined with the eye-clean part, is very important for the shine and brilliance of the diamond.
  3. A very important thing when buying I color diamond is the ring setting.

Very common question related to I color diamond is: will an I color diamond look yellowish in a white gold setting? Whether it is a rose gold ring or a yellow gold one it is very difficult to see any color glare when looking at your diamond with the naked eye.

Does the Shape of a Diamond Affect the Visibility of Yellowness? 

Yes, it does! There are some diamond shapes in which you can easily see the presence of yellowness, sometimes even with the naked eye. It is important for you to know which shapes those are, to avoid them when shopping. Pear shape is one of those shapes – it is very bad at hiding color. Even more, of all shapes, the pear shows color most strongly!

Next shape you should avoid when buying an I color diamond is the emerald cut. This shape makes the difference in color between the I color and colorless diamond much more evident when comparing the two under good lighting or under a magnifying glass. You might not see the difference so easily with the naked eye, but be sure to avoid this shape because the yellowness inside is always more visible.

How to Make I Color Diamond Look Whiter? 

If you have decided on I color diamond, but you want to do everything to avoid a corner or ring setting where the yellow would become visible, here are some tips for you:

  • If your choice is cushion then you should avoid crushed ice. Crushed ice diamonds accentuate color pretty much! So, if you want an I color diamond in cushion shape, choose a brilliant diamond with facets similar to the round one. 
  • Choose a yellow gold ring setting for your I color diamond. If you choose the same color setting as the color of the stone, yellowness will stand out less. But if you choose white gold or platinum ring setting, which are in contrast to yellow, then the yellowness in the diamond will stand out more than if you go for two of the same color. 

Fluorescence Grade 

A diamond fluorescence can be good and helpful if present to a lesser extent. Thanks to it, the diamond can look whiter.

On the other hand, too much fluorescence can be bad. You will assume, like everything excessive, that too much fluorescence can make a diamond cloudy and hazy instead of white and shiny. For I color there are three options: 

  • None
  • Faint 
  • Medium fluorescence 

Related Read: Diamond Buying Guide: How to Choose a Diamond?

Final Thoughts 

Let’s go through the main facts once again and remember what’s most important to know about I color diamonds! 

It is natural and understandable that we want the best when we buy something as valuable as a diamond. If it is an engagement ring, the expectations are really high. However, as much as you are aware of the importance of the appearance of that diamond, you can be calm and satisfied with the I color diamond, you will not regret it.

I color diamond is a stone that will save you money and still provide quality and white appearance. So he is a winning combination. For the most beautiful white look, take care of the shape of the diamond. If you are still in doubt, pay attention to the difference in price, it is not small or negligible at all. Investigate through our article what fluorescence grade is and what it means for I color diamond. 

We hope our article was helpful to you, and that you expanded or upgraded your knowledge of I color diamonds as well. Feel free to share this article with someone you think might be interested in this topic! Also, write to us if you think we have left out something about I color diamonds.

Related Read: What Diamond Color Is The Best Value?