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Will Jewelers Replace A Lost Diamond?

Diamonds can be pretty expensive – but you already knew that. You also know that losing a diamond – especially a larger stone – can cause quite a headache.

Did you ever find yourself in a situation where you couldn’t find your diamond ring anywhere? You’ve turned your house upside down, but there’s still no sign of it.

At first, you’ll probably panic for a couple of minutes. 

Have you thought about the possibility of going to the jewelry store where you bought your gemstone? Will jewelers replace a lost diamond?

Don’t get your hopes up, as this depends on the store’s warranty. While some jewelers will be happy to compensate you with a brand new gemstone, others will shrug their shoulders.

Since this is a topic of interest – and situations like this happen more often than you might suspect – don’t go anywhere. Grab a cup of coffee, get comfy – and continue reading. It’ll be worth the scroll!

Warranties On Lost Diamonds – A Sense Of Security

Whenever you buy something that requires a little more money from your pocket, you try to be careful not to lose it, right? We all do it. 

But the harsh truth is, you can be careful and still forget that you left it somewhere – or even worse, dropped it.

What do you do in these situations? Expect panic, obviously. You would probably turn your house and apartment upside down to find the gemstone. You would search each corner of the house twice, hoping that the next time you look, it might pop up.

It doesn’t go like that most of the time. Our advice would be to grab your bill of sale and the box in which you got your diamond when you first bought it. That’s our way of saying that yes, you should keep bills from expensive things – such as your jewelry.

Once you’ve found your bill – hopefully – it’s time to get in your car and drive straight to the jewelry store where you bought the diamond.

If you haven’t had any luck finding the diamond, you should start thinking about the store’s warranties. More precisely, it would be best if you were inquiring about the lifetime warranty.

A diamond’s lifetime warranty should cover the following elements:

  • Cleaning
  • Tightening
  • Loss
  • Damage

Related Read: How Much Does It Cost To Tighten Prongs On a Diamond Ring?

What we’re about to tell you might not make you happy, but not all jewelry stores work on this principle. Some stores don’t offer such guarantees on diamonds. That’s why you should research the store before you buy anything.

The first thing you should do is explain what exactly happened and how you lost your diamond. Mind you, people come in with crazy stories, trying to trick the jeweler. That’s why you brought your receipt with you. In these situations, it’s the best possible evidence you can carry with you. 

Next thing, the jeweler should explain to you what your options are, and whether you can count on compensation in the form of money or a new diamond.

Since diamonds are not exactly your everyday shopping items, and their price is much higher, it may be harder to get a new one. That’s why you have to be persuasive – but not rude. Your attitude speaks volumes right now.

It is fair to say that regular customers have a slight advantage. In such cases, the jeweler will recognize that you did not come with the goal to scam them for money and that you are a person of trust.

Also, the store certainly does not want to lose loyal customers. They have to protect and maintain a good reputation as well.

All in all, the reliability of these lifetime warranties depends mostly on the store where you bought your diamond.

It is not excluded that the jeweler will not grant you compensation, even though you are an old customer. It is always harder to get compensation for a diamond that was among the most expensive ones because the store loses its profit in the process.

You have to face the fact that, sometimes, luck is not on your side.

Read Also: Why Does My Diamond Keep Coming Loose?

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee 

Why are we mentioning the 30-day money-back guarantee?

Because we’ve witnessed all sorts of cases with losing diamonds – and one of them is losing it within the first 30 days of purchase.

Yes, this happens.

People try to use this to their advantage and ask the jeweler to give them a new diamond if they happen to have lost it in the first few days.

You should know that this does not work that way. The money-back-guarantee is pretty self-explanatory, but let’s repeat:

In case you’re not satisfied with the look or condition of your diamond, you can rely on the store’s 30-day money-back guarantee – if it has one.

A money-back guarantee does not involve replacing the diamond, though. It means that you will get most of the amount – or whole amount – for the diamond you bought.

Of course, even in such cases, it is mandatory to have the bill of sale with you. Without it, you are stuck with the diamond you don’t like. 

Related Read: Which Brand Is The Best For A Diamond Ring?

Personal Property Coverage – Does It Cover Lost Diamonds?

Have you heard of Personal Property Coverage? If you haven’t, there’s a good chance that this can save you.

First of all, personal property covers everything that is yours and tangible. These can be items that are part of your household or something related to your house/apartment. Personal Property Coverage is a certified document that protects your personal items from potential damage or loss.


Personal Property Coverage includes some of the following items:

  • Appliances
  • Cellphones
  • Clothing
  • Accessories
  • Jewelry
  • Computers
  • Rugs
  • Lamps
  • Kitchen Utensils

Are There Any Limits?

Before you officially decide that this is what you want, you should consult your insurance agent about the complete policy and its limits.


Because for various items, there are different coverage limits.

To have a clear idea of how much coverage you will be granted, you should carefully go through the entire Insurance policy. In most cases, the average personal property limit is from 20%-50%. 

Again, this depends on the items you have enlisted as protected. 

Does PPC Cover Lost Diamonds?

You’re safe. There’s a good chance that you’ll get a new diamond if you’ve lost it, but you might have to apply for Scheduled Personal Property Items.

Let us explain: When it comes to more expensive items that you own (works of art, instruments, firearms, or diamonds), insurance agents advise their clients to add this to the list of Scheduled Personal Property Items. 

That means that you will have to pay an additional premium.

The advantage of this is that you are able to schedule valuable items – such as diamonds – and get a replacement if you lose them.

But this doesn’t just happen on its own.

Before you add this to your list, you’ll need to get an official appraisal of your diamond. The value of your diamond must be calculated and confirmed so that the coverage limit can be determined in the event of an accidental loss.

Always consult with your insurance agent, as they can best instruct you on exactly which items should be on this list. 

Read Also: Diamond Appraisal Vs. Diamond Certification: Which One To Get?

Lost One Diamond From Your Ring?

So far, we’ve talked about losing whole pieces of diamond jewelry – but that’s not the only case scenario.

Imagine getting ready for a date and suddenly noticing that one diamond is missing from your diamond ring. That is definitely the last thing you need before going out. It’s understandable to be upset – but there’s something you can do.

You can get a new diamond without having to buy a whole new ring. That is certainly better than losing the entire ring. Here’s how to do that:

  1. Find the bill of sale that matches the diamond ring.
  2. Contact the jewelry store, and provide them with information on your current situation. How and when did you notice that the diamond was missing?
  3. For a better understanding of the situation, take a picture of your ring.
  4. You will need to take your diamond ring to the jewelry store and wait for approval. It depends on the ring, and it usually takes a week for your request to be approved or denied.
  5. If your request has been approved, then you can choose a replacement stone depending on the type of insurance that covers your loss.
  6. Try to look for an identical stone. If you can’t find one, ask the jeweler to recommend one.
  7. With smaller rings, you usually wait 1-2 days for a replacement, while some more expensive models can leave you waiting for a whole week.

Patience is key! You want your ring fixed, right?

Avoiding Scams – Diamond Switching

Whether you came to replace an entire ring or just one diamond that fell out by accident, you have to approach this with both eyes open!

While this is not so common in the jewelry industry, some jewelers are willing to scam you by replacing your diamond with one of poorer quality.

How does this happen?

Well, if you’re going to the store to get a brand new piece, a jeweler can replace your gemstone while it’s being mounted. They’ll have to work fast if they hope to scam you like this.

On the other hand, if you brought your ring with a diamond that fell out, this gives a lot more room for the jeweler to replace it because the diamond will have to stay in the store overnight.

There’s a lesson here: Before choosing your jeweler, research the company, read a few reviews on reliable sites, and go sightseeing first. You shouldn’t rush these things.

If you wish to know more about how to avoid diamond switching at the jeweler, we recommend checking out this article.

Related Read: Can I Get A New Setting For Diamond? – Find Out Here & Now

Still Think Your Diamond Is In The House?

People know how to be stubborn – and that is a good virtue when it comes to certain situations. Take, for example, losing things. Someone can spend an entire day looking for that one lost item – even if they have already checked everything.

This part is for those people who think that their gem is still somewhere in the house. Here are some places you should double-check – if you haven’t already:

Vacuum Cleaners

It often happens that we accidentally vacuum things that fall behind the bed, couch, or counter without even knowing it.

If you’ve been doing some housework and cleaning a few days before you realized your diamond was gone, empty the vacuum bag. Somewhere in there, among all that dust, might be your gem.

You never know. 


If you took off a tight piece of clothing and then threw it in the laundry, there’s a possibility that you may have hooked your diamond.

The best-case scenario is that you haven’t yet turned on the washing machine so that you can go through your laundry in peace. 

If it is already in the machine, you can look after the washing is finished – but the chances that you will find something are very small. 

Travel Bags

Packing and unpacking can be time-consuming, and in most cases, it annoys you. However, people forget and lose a ton of stuff while packing their travel bags.

On your way home, you may forget small things such as a toothbrush, comb, etc. 

But some people forget jewelry – even if it includes diamonds.

Before you head home, double-check your travel bag and your hotel room. It would be best to make a list of the things you brought with you. 

Learn More: How Do You Find a Lost Diamond? Several Must-Know Key Steps

Summing Up

We’ve covered everything there is on the topic of replacing a lost diamond, so it’s time to sum it up in a few words.

Replacing a lost diamond isn’t as easy as it may look to some people. You have to go through an entire protocol before you get a brand new diamond – and that’s if you’re lucky.

Whether you can get a diamond replacement depends on the store and the insurance policy. Your diamond should have a lifetime warranty. 

If you consult with your insurance agent, they might advise you to apply for a Personal Property Coverage and add your diamond to the Scheduled Personal Property List. 

That will help you in getting a replacement more easily.

You should also be aware of diamond switching. Unreliable jewelry stores scam their customers by replacing the initial diamond with a poor-quality one.

And finally, if you believe that your diamond is still somewhere in the house, go and check your vacuum cleaner, travel bags, or laundry.

Good luck!

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